Terms & Conditions

Payment Information

If you agree to pay the required amount of the payment for the services offered by our company in advance, note that Precise Tech Group has a right to change the monthly payment amount or any other charges based on the circumstances.

Data Loss and Backups

Precise Tech Group is not responsible for any kind of data and file loss stored on your account. Your service use is your own responsibility. You are agreed to have entire responsibility for the data and files transferred and maintaining all appropriate files backup that has been stored on the servers.

Refunds and Cancellation

We have a right to decline any account at any time. Users can also cancel their accounts at any time. We provide a conditional refund guarantee on managed shared hosting and reseller solutions. The refund will be processed after 30 days of the refund request. The refund only first-time accounts can avail of it.

For instance, if you have created an account with Precise Tech Group earlier, cancelled it, and again signed up, then you will not be eligible for this opportunity. The refund will not be provided to those accounts which are involved in any kind of spoofing or spamming. Also, VPS, dedicated servers, and domain names will not be offered a refund.

Money-Back Guarantee

No full refund will be provided on a few of the services; the 30-day money-back guarantee is not applicable. We have a right to refund an amount or no refund at all.

Price Charge

When you pay, the amount for hosting will never upsurge from the purchase date. But we have a right to change the list of prices on our website and increase the number of resources provided to strategies at any time.

Premium Domain Registries

If you are searching for something premium, the search results will show as much as and show the actual price for the domain name. Registry-sold premium domains may be of two types – a few domains will be bought at extremely high rates, but they will be renewed at the same price as that of a regular domain. Others will be both sold and renewed at the same high prices.

However, you know that the firm doesn’t control all features of the process of domain registration. For instance, when you submit a domain registration, the firm forwards the information in the registration to the suitable registry administrator for proceeding and actual name registration.

Correspondingly, considering the domain registration service provided by the firm, you agree to pay the firm before the success of the desired domain registration. Remembering that once the firm approves payment and begins the process of registration, ICAAN (The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names And Numbers) holds the authority to put the changes at any step of order proceeding, so the firm will not be held accountable for any imprecisions.