Privacy Policy

Data Protection

Precise Tech Group usually follows industry standards when protecting the details you submit to us and that we gather, both during transmission and once we get it. We use proper data collection, procedure practices and security measures to secure against unauthorised access, disclosure, alteration, or obliteration of your data, password, username, transaction information and data stored on our website.

Information Collection

We may collect any or all the information you provide us depending on the type of transaction, including your address, email address, telephone number, and the usability of the site. Other information will be required from time to time to proceed a request may also be collected as specified on the site.

Information Use

We use the data collected to process the task for which you visited the site. The data protection act holds data collected in the region. All reasonable precautions are taken to avoid unauthorised access to the information. This requires you to offer additional; forms of identity to obtain information about your account details.


Your internet browser has a built-in facility for storing small files – “cookies” – that holds data that allows a site to recognise your account. Our website takes advantage of this function to enhance your experience. You can prevent your computer from accepting cookies, but certain functionality on the site may be impaired if you do.

Disclosing Information

We don’t disclose any personal data obtained from this site to any third parties unless you permit us to do by ticking the relevant boxes in registration or competition forms. We may also use the information to contact you about advances associated with us. You can remove yourself from any mailing list or similar device. If, at any time in the future, we wish to disclose information collected on this site to any third party, it would only be with your consent and knowledge.

In addition, we may work with third parties to deliver targeted behavioural advertising to the dummy site. Through cookies, anonymous information about your use of our site and other site’s will be used to offer more relevant advertisments about goods and services of interest to you.

Policy Changes

Any alternations to our privacy policy will be placed here and will thrive this version of our policy. We will take reasonable steps to draw your attention to any alteration in our policy page. However, to be safe, we recommend reading this section each time you use the site to ensure it meets with approval. 

Contacting Us

If you want the maximum to ask anything about our privacy policy or wish to know what informations we have collected for you, please email us at You can also correct any errors in that information or ask us to remove your details from any list under our control.